Tuesday, October 21, 2008

It's Just A Phase... I Hope!

Anyone who has spent any time around Colton, knows that he is all boy. He loves motorcycles and 4-wheelers, he likes to pretend to be a monster or a dinosaur, and he growls most of what he says. He's rough and tough. But since Brody is still too little to play with, he plays with Jesslyn most of the time, which involves playing dress up, painting fingernails, and lots of girly things. (He clearly has an obsession with shoes) I'm not complaining about it, because it won't be long before my boys will be doing things like playing football in the house, tackling eachother, collecting reptiles, and climbing trees. I guess Tysen turned out okay, even though "the gills" wouldn't let him and his pink purse play with them.


Mikasa said...

So cute, I love it. He's so adorable. And you know we actually curled Tysens hair one night when he was like a junior in High School. So, you know I'm sure Colton will be just fine.

Naticia said...

I am saving this post to show Colton that you made this all public knowledge when he get older. Also, who says Tysen is ok!?!

Cornums said...

I agree with Naticia, who said Tysen turned out okay!? j/k I think he's a pretty awesome guy! Love the pics!